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(732) 852-5379About Me
Karen is a valued member of the TFS Wealth Management team. She has earned her Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership from Johnson & Wales University. Over her extensive career as an educator, Karen has held various positions within the educational system including: teacher, principal, assistant superintendent and superintendent of schools. She has vast experience working with large, multi-million dollar budgets and has led district budget managers in establishing goals and priorities and guiding staff in making the very best financial decisions to meet the needs of students and the community. Now a retired educator and TFS Wealth Management Associate, Karen brings her educational background and experience along with her leadership skills, extensive knowledge, strength and experience to her clients. Most importantly, Karen has worked with many diverse groups including: parents, teachers, and community members throughout her career. Using her listening skills and experiences, Karen will insure that her clients receive the best financial guidance, education and services available utilizing the TFS Wealth Management financial planning processes and team support.
Karen Jones can also assist with your mortgage related needs. Please Click Here to Learn More.